Ambassador Bloomfield is Chairman Emeritus of the Stimson Center; a Board Member of the Global Environmental & Technology Foundation; a Director of The Last Kilometer, a Detroit non-profit supporting energy access for underdeveloped societies; and Vice Chairman of Mana Pacific, a Hawaii-based benefit corporation providing a platform for financing and project development of locally-owned and –controlled renewable energy microgrids in the Pacific Islands. He is President of Palmer Coates LLC; non-attorney consultant at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld; Principal Senior Advisor at C&O Resources, a Middle East policy advisory; Senior Advisor at WestExec Advisors, a global strategic advisory to companies; and a principal with three companies developing technologies important to a sustainable future.
As an appointee in five previous Administrations, he was a Presidential Special Envoy, from 2008-2009, leading U.S. efforts to protect international aviation from shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, and Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs from 2001 to 2005, serving concurrently as the President’s Special Representative on the landmine issue and head of the U.S. government’s international outreach on critical infrastructure protection, including cybersecurity. He formerly served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs (1992-1993); Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs (1991-2002); Member, U.S. Delegation to Philippine Bases Negotiations (1990-1991); Member, U.S. Water Mediation in the Middle East (1989-1990); and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1988-1989), with other U.S. Department of Defense policy positions dating from 1981.
A graduate of Harvard College (a.b. cum laude, 1974) and the Fletcher School (M.A.L.D., 1980), he is author or editor of two books and numerous policy articles.